Friday, December 31, 2004

new year resolution..

ok..though i never remember any of the resolutions i've ,ade at the beginning of the year, i shall just make some now for the fun of it..haha.. and after thinking for a while, i've manage to come up with a few.. here are those..

1. try to maintain my studies and not to stress myself out too much..
2. try to have that bit more self confidence.. i'm low on confidence about myself manz..
3. to catch up with old friends and to make new ones..
4. disturb those who are gonna take their 'A' levels next year so that they cannot study.. wahahaha..
5. world peace.. (think: beauty pageants.. haha..)

ok..these are the ones that i can think of.. guess the easiest to accomplish is the 4th one.. haha.. but i'm not so mean to do that all the time.. once in a while lah.. world peace is the hardest manz.. haha.. coz it depends a lot on the world and not me alone.. so its a failed resolution right from the start.. haha.. anyway, may all have a good time!! happy new year!!


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