Monday, October 03, 2005


yap, it's monday today.. haha.. what's so special? haha.. nothing special lah, just that it's my rest day today.. haha.. so shiok.. haha.. i think i'll get most of my mondays off coz science centre is not open on mondays.. haha.. so here i am slackin in front of my lappy.. heex..

2 weeks of the attachment has passed.. fast anot? i don't know leh.. normal bah.. haha.. so this weel is the third week.. and soon, it'll be 6 weeks gone.. haha.. i cannot wait for it..i wonder when are they gonna give me my pay.. haha.. money, money, money.. haha.. coz i want money to shop.. though i may end up saving a majority of it in the end (coz i'll end up buying nothing), but i just feel like shopping with my own money.. heex..

before the attachment, i already had plans on how to use my money.. very simple: buy everything billabong.. haha.. ok,maybe not everything.. i just want something that's billabong.. coz i've always like billabong stuff, but the price just turns me off.. so i shall get something billabong with the attachement money.. though it's not much lah.. haha..

but then, now, i feel like getting a pair of track shoes.. coz my very own track shoe's sole came off.. and my uncle didn't manage to gkue it back for me.. i told my mum that maybe for CNY next year, my new pair of shoes shall be a pair of track shoes.. and my mum was like "can you just buy something that's more girly and not track shoes all the time? you have to grow up and stop wearing track shoes!!" ok, fine, i guess my mum just don't like me wearing track shoes.. and if she's not willing to buy one for me during CNY (point is, during CNY, all sh


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